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5 simple ways to make your site more visible in Google search
Getting a good placement in Google search results may seem tough, but you can make life a lot easier for yourself and your website by taking some simple, Google-recommended, steps to help the search engine giant know you’re there.
In this discussion, We give you some key tips to make GG sit up and notice your site.
1. Register your site with Google Search Console
Google Search Console (formerly Webmaster Tools) is a free service from Google that allows you to submit your website (and its sitemap) to Google for indexing.
Beside it, you can use the tool to do a lot of other useful things including:
Let's GG crawl your site
Let's GG know if different version of your websites exist for different contries
As soon as you register your site with Search Console, Google will send you an email with several tips about how to use the tool to maximise your visibility in results. Make sure you follow them!
2. Link your site to Google MyBusiness, and start using Google+ properly
When you register your business with Google MyBusiness, you will be provided with a Google+ page (if you don’t already have one). Use it! When you post links to your site on your Google+ page, these get indexed by Google (and, some say, pretty quickly).
You also link your site to Youtube and Facebook, It make your site more popular.
3. Make your site load as fast as it can, particularly on mobile
Google has been using 'site speed' as a ranking signal since 2010 - and as such it's important to ensure that your site is loading as fast as possible.
This means that you should:
Minimise the number of HTTPS requests on your site (to do this, keep use of scripts to a minimum and use images only when they are genuinely beneficial to your content)
Ensure your image file sizes are as small as they can be.
Use fast hosting
4. Use relevant keywords in your page titles, meta descriptions and URLs
Ensure that your page titles and meta descriptions contain
accurate, concise descriptions of your page content
keywords that you are hoping to perform well for you in search
some location details if relevant.
5. Create backlinks to your site
Even if you've got fantastically well-constructed page titles, meta descriptions and URLs, they're usually fairly useless unless you've got 'backlinks' pointing to your website too.
Backlinks are essentially links from other sites to your site, and in a very simple sense Google counts them as 'votes' for your content.
There are two main ways to generate backlinks:
via outreach, by asking other site / blog owners to feature links to your content on their sites
by creating long, keyword-rich blog posts that are extremely relevant to your business niche (if they are REALLY interesting / helpful articles about your area of business, they are more likely to attract a relevant audience, a proportion of which will create backlinks to them).
You can go to rnext.singalarity.com for know more about SEO sample.
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Yêu cầu: 03:03, 28/09/2018 |
Xem: 2199 lần |
Cập nhật: 03:03, 28/09/2018 |